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Navistools ClashManager is a Navisworks Clash Detective extension. It is easy to use but still effective tool for managing project's clash results.

Clashes can be grouped and sorted by many options. If Navisworks model has at least one grid system, then clashes can be also grouped by levels and/or grid intersections.

Clashes can be visualized by clash markers, which are selectable objects. User can select them in the screen when grouping clashes manually. They also mark the location of the clashes in top and front projections of the model when user is generating a clash report.


User can easily add comments to each clash result by using the comments window. Comments are automatically displayed in the clash reports.


Report generator is easy to use tool which creates a Pdf clash report of selected clash results. Report consist of detailed view of the clash result and both top and front projections of the model with location of the clash result marked. It also contains all metadata of the clash result including added comments.


  • Licenses a specified user and computer
  • Required information when ordering

* MAC address of the computer


  • Flexible user and computer, as long as enough free licenses are available
  • Required information when ordering

* Name and MAC address of the server

The first year of maintenance is included and therefore free of charge!

You will automatically receive an offer from us to extend the maintenance.

From the second year on the maintenance price is as follows:

Single User License: 40 €

Multi User License: 60 €

Navistools Clash Manager Extension

  • Brands Codemill
  • Product Code:CO0789
  • Availability:In Stock
  • 140.00€
  • 100.00€

Available Options

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Tags: Clash, detection, extension Codemill,
