Our offers are directed exclusively at companies. We do not make contracts with consumers.

With IFC Exporter you can export any file that can be opened in Navisworks to the IFC2x3 format. From version 2018.2 it also supports IFC4 format. When exporting Navisworks model items can be mapped to corresponding IFC objects. This plugin will export both the model geometry (BREP) and the related data (Property Sets)

The plugin will function in 2 different ways. Straighforward way is to select model items (selection) that you want to export from the Navisworks model and export them without mapping objects. If using this way all entites in the IFC file are represented as IfcEquipmentElement.

Another way is to use object mapping. Then you need to create predefined selection or search sets for each different object type in the Navisworks model and tell plugin which IfcType to use when exporting them.


  • Licenses a specified user and computer
  • Required information when ordering

* MAC address of the computer


  • Flexible user and computer, as long as enough free licenses are available
  • Required information when ordering

* Name and MAC address of the server

The first year of maintenance is included and therefore free of charge!

You will automatically receive an offer from us to extend the maintenance.

From the second year on the maintenance price is as follows:

Single User License: 200 €

Multi User License: 300 €

Navistools IFC Exporter

  • Brands Codemill
  • Product Code:CO999
  • Availability:In Stock
  • 700.00€
  • 500.00€

Available Options

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