About Us
UNITEC has specialized with 20 years of experience as a sales and development partner of leading software manufacturer in the field of plant and mechanical engineering to CAD and process automation solutions for system planners, operators and machine manufacturers.
With our experienced team we offer our customers end to end solutions that does not end with just delivering a piece of software.
UNITEC offers consulting, training and support services (on-site and through our hotline) and software development to optimize your entire value chain.
Our customers are successful in different industries, our key focuses are on:
- Plant constructors and operators
- Specialized manufacturing companies and manufacturers in general
In order to make our customers more successful in their daily work and complex projects, we see it as our responsibility to demonstrate this potential in the following areas and to utilize:
- Individual solutions and consulting
- Implementation and migration projects and project monitoring and supervision
- Hotline & Support
UNITECs specialization in plant based on innovative solutions that provide added value through interdisciplinary exchange of data and are unique in the world.
Our years of experience in a variety of customer projects and successfully provided services, consulting, implementation, training and support, underline our quality and performance.
Some of our unique solutions that provide added value to your work:
- Intelligent structural steel import interface for AutoCAD Plant 3D (SDNF2PLANT)
- Intelligent pipeline import interface for AutoCAD Plant 3D (ISO2PLANT)
- Engineering Base interface to AutoCAD Plant 3D (EB2PLANT)
- Intelligent import and export interfaces for AVEVA Plant / Marine (PDMS)
- Intelligent Intergraph PDS interfaces
- Intergraph SmartPlant 3D interface for Autodesk Navisworks
- Effective use of point cloud data in Autodesk Navisworks (Cloudisworks)
- 3D PDF extension for Autodesk Navisworks
Our high level of quality and successful projects are made possible by a highly specialized team with certified specialists. We also have good relationships with several leading software vendors.